Andrew Ross will step down as president and CEO of The Children’s Guild Alliance on June 30, 2021, after 26 years. The Children’s Guild Alliance, a nonprofit organization based in Baltimore, serves children, families and child-serving organizations.
When Ross joined The Children’s Guild, the organization had two special needs schools, one group home and a $6 million budget. Today, with a $82 million budget, the organization serves close to 6,000 children through two special needs schools, four charter/contract schools in Anne Arundel County and Washington, D.C., three therapeutic group homes, a treatment foster care program and a behavioral health program that serves students in 90 schools in Baltimore, Howard, Anne Arundel, Prince George’s, and Cecil counties.
Ross was instrumental in the development of TranZed Apprenticeships, the TranZed Academy for Working Students and the Transformation Education Institute that holds national conferences and programs for child-serving professionals throughout the year.
“Among Dr. Ross’ greatest contributions was the introduction of Transformation Education to The Guild and caring for the whole child. Transformation Education puts the needs of the child ahead of the needs of the adult and creates a culture for learning to meet the individualized learning styles of each child in creative, attractive environments,” said Chris Zimmerman, chair of The Children’s Guild Alliance board of directors.
Most recently, Ross launched Kids First, a national campaign to transform the way America cares for and educates its children. Effective July 1, 2021, Ross will become senior advisor to the Kids First campaign, which will work nationally to create the cultural awareness, teacher preparation and political will to put kids first.
Ross said, “Until June 30, I will continue to support the deployment of the new initiatives in The Guild’s strategic plan to include a preschool in College Park and Monarch Academy Annapolis and the expansion of our special education schools to serve more students with autism. I will also continue to support our work on diversity, equity, inclusion and Kids First. In addition, I will be preparing the organization for a seamless transition to a new president and CEO.”
The Children’s Guild Alliance retained Koya Leadership Partners, an executive search firm, to implement a national search for Ross’ replacement. Zimmerman will head the search committee, which will work to hire the new CEO by March 2021.
“It has truly been an honor to have led The Guild over the past 26 years. Life has taught me that this change will result in great opportunity and growth for the organization and for me,” Ross said.